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Time line: Chance project


Born into this world in Berlin, Germany.



​Started School at Berlin Brandenburg International school (BBIS)

sometime in 2007

got behind the wheel of a car for the first time on a dirt track

sometime in 2008

started to play golf at a summer camp 


started middle years programme at BBIS


got my A1 driver's license (motorcycle) 


officially allowed to drive a full sized motor vehicle on the streets 


The worst day of my entire life 


Last day of school


Graduated BBIS

most of 2016 

low point, mild depression anti-social complexion


A fresh start 

Summer and autumn of 2017 

The best summer to date, work experience and a bunch of new friends


Got on a plane to Savannah, Georgia to begin a few chapter in life; College

to be continued...

The time line project was supposed be an insight into the chronology of our lives. I wanted to combine the timeline with the chance project as a lot of the events that led my life on a certain path and shaped me as a person were just chance. Things like being put into an international school, having an accident involving a DUI or being on of the youngest drivers of a car like motor vehicle in all of Germany were all circumstantial and by chance. Single changes in these changes of events could have led my life on a completely different path and if it hadn't been for certain events, actions or chance in my past i would be writing this blog today. 

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